
Transport is the another module of this software we can add the routes,vehicles etc

Nolwa dashboard->Department->Transport


Here we can add the routes according to our needs at anytime

Nolwa dashboard->Department->Transport->Routes

Add the new route title,fare to that route and save


To add the vehicles and the details of the vehicle drivers

Nolwa dashboard->Department->Transport->Vehicles

The following steps are for adding the vehicles

  1. The vehicle number is given
  2. The model of the vehicle should be specified
  3. The year of the vehicle made
  4. Driver name
  5. Driver license number
  6. The contact number of the driver
  7. If needed can add notes and save

Assign vehicles

we have to assign the vehicles for different routes.

Nolwa dashboard->Department->Transport->Assign Vehicles

We can assign the routes and the vehicles goes through that route.

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